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Crafting a Compelling Email Marketing Campaign: The Art of Storytelling

Posted by Brian Berg Google+


In the world of direct mail marketing, email remains a powerful tool. However, success in digital marketing isn’t just about the number of impressions you make; it's about the relevance of your message. Just as crucial as targeting the right audience is communicating the right message.

The Power of Relevancy

Your email message should tell a story, not simply repeat an image or sound bite over and over. This balance between repetition and meaningful content is often referred to as the signal-to-noise ratio. Effective email marketing involves providing valuable information that explains why prospects should consider your product or service, how your business stands out from competitors, and what considerations they should make when choosing businesses like yours.

Building Your Brand Through Email

The debate over the ideal budget split between brand building and direct response is ongoing. Should you spend 60% on brand and 40% on response? Regardless of the exact ratio, a multi-deployment email campaign can achieve both goals. By telling a compelling story through a series of emails, you can build your brand and drive responses simultaneously. Let’s delve into how to structure a multi-deployment email campaign effectively.

Deployment One – The "Attention Getter"

Your first email is crucial; it's the "Attention Getter." It sets the stage for your campaign and frames its duration. Here are key elements to include:

  • Test multiple subject lines to find the most effective one.
  • Ensure your logo, offer, and benefit statement are visible within the preview pane.
  • Make sure your message is highly relevant to your audience.

Deployment Two – Legitimize Your Presence

The second email should build on the first, continuing the narrative and reinforcing your message and offer. This email reassures recipients that your first email was legitimate and trustworthy.

Deployment Three – Emphasize the Call-to-Action

Your third email should maintain the message’s consistency while creating a sense of urgency. Highlight the deadline of your campaign offer to encourage immediate action.

Deployment Four – The Extended Offering

The final email targets those who have shown interest but haven't yet responded. These are the click-throughs who need a little extra push. This email can extend the original offer, explaining that due to overwhelming response, the promotion has been extended for a limited time.

The Importance of Storytelling in Email Marketing

With email marketing, you have a brief window to convey your message. What you say should be part of a larger, well-thought-out story that offers value to your customer, even if they aren’t ready to respond immediately. Ideally, your email should serve as a reminder that you are in business and have something valuable to offer.

Key Elements to Consider

  • Visual Appeal: Ensure your email contains simple, professional images, your logo, and a clear offer.
  • Professionalism: Convey professionalism and relevance to avoid the impression of being unremarkable.
  • Value Proposition: Only send emails when you have something of real value to offer.

Making a bad impression can be worse than making no impression at all. Think carefully about the story you want to tell, the limited time your recipient has to "take in" your message, and how to convey your sales pitch effectively.

Enhance Your Email Campaigns with BB Direct

For more help with your next email deployment, consider leveraging our expertise at BB Direct. We offer specialized services such as email append and email reverse append to enhance your email mailing lists and improve your campaign's targeting accuracy. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your email marketing efforts. That’s what we’re here for.