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Property Mortgage Mailing List

Reach Targeted Homeowners with Equity

Property & Homeowner Database
Mortgage Related Selects Segment Shoppers from Buyers
Base $50/M + Selects, Min. $150.00
73M Parcels / 60MM U.S. Households
Sourced from County Recorder & Assessor Records
Compiled Bi-Monthly

Email List Available Upon Request

Run Counts Online

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Mortgage Mailing List for Sale | New, Updated & Current Files - mortgagedatabase

Connect with Homeowners Using BB Direct's Accurate Mortgage Mailing List

Successful mortgage mailing campaigns start with the best data. BB Direct's up-to-date mortgage mailing list targets the right homeowners, ensuring your marketing efforts are focused and efficient. This strategy saves valuable marketing dollars and time, allowing you to reinvest in other areas of your business.

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Build Superior Property Mortgage Lists with Our Expert Assistance

Our property mortgage database goes beyond basic homeownership and mortgage type, offering marketers a wide array of property and mortgage-related filters. Our list experts help you create the best mortgage mailing list, homeowner mailing list, mortgaged property mailing list, and financed property mailing list using your up-to-date data.

  • Child Age
  • Cooling Type Detail
  • Country of Origin 
  • Credit Card Buyer
  • Credit Card Indicator
  • Date Of Birth
  • Delinquent Tax Flag
  • Delinquent Tax Year
  • Distress Indicator
  • Dwelling Unit Size
  • Economic Stability Indicator
  • Estimated Available Equity
  • Estimated Available Equity Range
  • Estimated Lendable Equity
  • Estimated Lendable Equity Range
  • Estimated Loan to Value (LTV)
  • Estimated Loan to Value Range
  • Estimated Mortgage Balance
  • Estimated Mortgage Balance Range
  • Estimated Remaining Months on Loan
  • Estimated Total Loans
  • Estimated Total Loans Range
  • Ethnicity 
  • Exterior Type
  • Fireplace
  • First Loan Amount
  • Foundation Type
  • Garage Detail
  • Gender
  • Head HH Occupation
  • Heating & Cooling System
  • Heating Type Detail
  • Home Assessed Value 
  • Home Market Value 
  • Home Purchase Amount 
  • Home Size (sq. ft.) 
  • Homeowner Type
  • Improvements Market Value
  • Income 
  • Land Market Value
  • Language Preference 
  • Lendable Home Equity 
  • Length of Residence
  • Loan to Value Range 
  • Lot Size
  • Mail Order Buyer
  • Mail Order Responder
  • Marital Status
  • Market Decile
  • Market Value Model Flag
  • Networth
  • Number of Bathrooms 
  • Presence of Children
  • Presence of Pool
  • Property Type
  • Purchase Date
  • Purchase Month (X Date)
  • Quit Claim
  • Religious Affiliation Code 
  • Reverse Mortgage Flag
  • Roof Type
  • Second Loan Amount 
  • Second Loan Date (CCYYMMDD)
  • Second Loan Equity Line of Credit Flag
  • Second Loan Interest Rate Type
  • Second Loan Transaction Type
  • Second Loan Type
  • Telephone Number
  • Third Loan Amount 
  • Third Loan Date (CCYYMMDD)
  • Third Loan Equity Line of Credit Flag
  • Third Loan Interest Rate Type
  • Third Loan Transaction Type
  • Third Loan Type
  • Total Loan
  • Trust Owned
  • Year Home Built
  • Year Major Improvements Made
Source Verified Results - Premium Auto File Comparison Study

Reach Qualified Homebuyers with Our Comprehensive Mortgaged Property Mailing List

No other source of property mortgage data matches the coverage and update schedule of our property mortgage database. BB Direct's file is larger than the three leading comparable databases combined, both in terms of homeowners and attribute coverage. We update our property mortgage database weekly, providing our customers with up-to-date mortgage mailing list counts in nearly every county across the country.

Get Property Mortgage Mailing List Help Now

Do you have questions about our property mortgage marketing list or any other mailing list? We would like to help. Whether you are new to direct mail marketing, or just want to be sure you've got all your bases covered, BB Direct's friendly mailing list experts are here to help you make your next direct mail campaign a success. Please just ask!

Talk To Us About Your Property Mortgage Mailing List Needs

How to Order a Custom List


Find lists online using our list portal or get help from our list experts.


Complete the transaction online or while you're on the phone.


Download your list instantly in a .CSV format for easy CRM integration.

  • Intuitive Ordering
  • Affordable Pricing
  • Extremely Accurate
  • Highest Mail Deliverability
Build Your List Online Now