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Marketing Tips - Issue 39



It's a good thing that envelopes need to be opened.    Test this idea as you review your in-basket at work:    self mailers and seminar flyers disclose their subject immediately so that the reader can make the snap judgment to toss, or to consider.   


For the rushed reader, and the corporate mail room, and busy consumer, self mailers are a great service because you can throw them out quickly.    But envelopes-- they need to be opened.    So the rushed business reader waits for the slow moment when they can invest the time to open and read your mail.




Change your outer envelope. A new color or a different size may be all it takes to get people to take a second look at a package they've seen too many times. You can also try switching from a teaser envelope to a plain one or vice versa. And faux express envelopes are often worth a test.




The next time you send an invoice, consider the addition of a coupon, or at least a code, that your customer can give to a friend or neighbor offering a discount for a first-time purchase.    There is no more powerful influence than the hand-delivered testimonial from a third party.   


And yes, I know, you can save a stamp, too.


Marketing Tips posts authored by Leslie Goldstein of the USPS.