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USPS New Move Update

Posted by Brian Berg Google+


So what's all the fuss about the New Move Update with the United States Post Office?  Well, BB Direct offers a simple explaination to help clear matters up. Since November 23rd, 2008, the Postal Service have revised the Move Update standards in an effort to reduce the mail that ends up forwarded or returns when the mailing address provided had previously been changed. 


The gist of the staying compliant is that you now must be sure to update your mailing address within 95 days of your mailing.  This includes all Standard Mail (letters, flats, parcels and Not Flat-Machinables), as well as automated-rate and presort-rate First-Class Mail. The autorized methods for Updating your mail to stay compliant are:


NCOA Link processing

~  FASTforward MLOCR processing (letter mail only)

~  OneCode ACS (Address Change Service) in conjunction with an intelligent Mail barcode and a mailer ID.

~  Address Change Service used with an ACS participant code and an appropriate on-piece ancillary service endorsement.

~  Use of an appropriate on-piece ancillary service endorsement without ACS.


BB Direct offers the NCOA Link processing to correct changed records and keep your mailing list compliant.  For more information on our data hygiene services, visit us here.